Monday, 11 January 2016

Što učiniti da Vam dijete prospava noć / What to do to make your baby sleep through the night

Hello gorgeous,
From the moment you become pregnant and await the arrival of your little angel into the world, people start saying that you sleep while you can, because the 8 hours of sleep will be just a nice memory. And when the baby arrives, they telling you to sleep when the baby sleeps, but this is impossible with thousands of other obligations that you have to make.
In these 10 months, Nina was waking up during the night every 2 hours (sometimes every hour). My mom was comforting me by saying it would pass when she wll be 3 months old, because most of the babies learn how to sleep by then. And so I was waiting on her third month to come, but the situation was the same. As I was exclusively breastfeeding her first 6 months , I thought that maybe that wasn't enough for her before bedtime, so I was also breastfeeding her during the night. Then I hoped that situation will change when she will be 6 months, when she will start to eat solid food, but situations was the same.
She eats before going to bed, than I brestfeed her, but nothing... she was still waking up during the night.
Then Ana advised me to let her cry, but not talk to her (I can only cuddle her arm, but I done that only the first night, because then she was reaching her arms out to me, so i thought it was contraproductive).
A mistake that we did while we were let her cry on several occasions, was that we were talking to her, trying to soothe her. So 6 days ago I let her cry. She was crying 30 minutes and fell asleep. Later, she was still wake up 3 times, but again fell asleep.
The other night she cried for 10 minutes, and then began to sleep without waking up (12 hours straight). Since then we have calmer mornings. She is waking up cheerful, not looking for breast every now and then, and when i leave her in the crib to do my morning hygiene, she is calm (before she was always crying).
I know it will be very difficult to listen to your angel drowning in tears, but be consistent!

Greetings from rested mom smile emoticon
Dobar dan ljepotice i ljepotani,
Znate i sami da dok još očekujete dolazak vašeg malog anđela na svijet, sa svih strana vam ljudi počnu govoriti da si odspavate dok još možete, jer će 8 sati sna u komadu biti samo lijepo sjećanje. A kada dijete stigne, govore vam da spavate i kada beba spava, no to je nemoguće uz tisuće drugih obaveza koje morate napraviti.
Moja Nina je u ovih 10 mjeseci, samo jednu noć prospavala, a ostale se budila svaka 2 sata (nekad i svaki sat). Mama me tješila da će to proći jer djeca usvajaju noć sa 3 mjeseca. I tako čekam ja taj treći mjesec, no situacija je bila ista. Kako je prvih 6 mjeseci bila isključivo na cici, mislila sam da joj to što pocica prije spavanja možda nije dovoljno pa sam joj dala da cica i tokom noći. Onda sam se ponadala da će se sa navršenih 6 mjeseci, kada počne jesti i kašice situacija promijeniti, no nije.
Pojede prije spavanja, pocica i ništa... I dalje se budi svako malo.
Onda mi je Ana savjetovala da je pustim da plače i da joj se uopće ne javljam (jedino da je pomazim po ruci, a to sam napravila samo prvu noć jer sam vidjela da nakon toga pruža ruke prema meni pa sam to smatrala kontraproduktivnim).
A greška koju smo mi radili dok smo je u nekoliko navrata puštali da plače, je upravo ta što smo joj se javljali, pokušavajući je riječima umiriti. I tako prije 6 dana pustim ja nju da plače. Otplakala je pola sata i zaspala. Poslije se još budila 3 puta, no opet je zaspala.
Drugu noć je plakala 10 minuta, a nakon toga je počela spavati bez buđenja (12 sati u komadu) Od tada su nam jutra smirenija. Ona se budi vesela, ne traži cicu svako malo, ostavim li je u kinderbetu da obavim jutarnju higijenu, ne plače (prije je stalno plakala).
Znam da će vam biti jako teško slušati vašeg anđela kako grca u suzama, no budite ustrajni!
Pozdravlja vas naspavana mama smile emoticon

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