Friday, 29 January 2016

O tretmanu ugradnje umjetnih trepavica / About eyelashes extensions treatment

Drage naše ljepotice, dragi naši ljepotani! Danas Vam pišem jaaako rano, jer kad jutro započnete uz An&Ma blog, dan Vam mora biti čaroban wink emoticonZamolili ste me da Vam pišem o tretmanu ugradnje umjetnih trepavica, a pošto An&Ma blog obožava ostvarivati Vaše želje, danas sam Vas odlučila počastiti upravo tim člankom. 
Iako ja prirodno imam dosta guste trepavice i vrlo rijetko sam nosila maskaru (a uvijek bi svi mislili da ju nosim), ipak sam se odlučila na ovaj tretman jer volim isprobavati nove stvari. Moram priznati da koliko god trepavice diivno izgledale ovaj tretman ima i svojih mana. Početi ću sa vrlinama 😁. Osim predivnog i očaravajučeg krajnjeg rezultata koji zaista s maskarom ne možete postići, sam postupak je bezbolan i traje cca sat i pol. Trepavice se lijepe na Vaše prirodne trepavice, za vrijeme tretmana žmirite ( ja većinom zaspem), a donji dio trepavica Vam kozmetičarka zaštiti ljepljivom trakicom jer se na taj dio umjetne trepavice ne lijepe (i da, ne morate brinuti da ćete kad Vam skida trakicu ostati bez donjih trepavica jer nije baš tako jako ljepljiva ta trakica).
Sad slijedi onaj manje lijepi dio , odnosno mane. Trepavice traju dosta kratko, 3-4tjedna, ukoliko imate prirodno guste (kao ja) možete ih razvuči i do mjesec i pol dana a svaka obnova košta 180-200kn (ovisi u kojem salonu radite). Meni iskreno ta mana nije smetala, no ono što mi je jako zasmetalo je to što su mi se moje prirodne trepavice dosta prorijedile i više nisu onako divne i guste. Odlučila sam da ih više neću stavljati kroz godinu nego samo na ljeto jer mi se na moru neda šminkati. Tko ima prirodno rijetke trepavice možda mu ta mana neće smetati i svakako će ljepše izgledati sa guščim i dužim trepavicama. Svoje trepavice radila sam u dva salona, prvi neću spominjati jer nemam za njih riječi hvale (već 1. dan su mi počele padati trepavice), a drugi se zove Beautyholicc i s njim sam stvarno jako zadovoljna. Prvi tretman košta između 350-450kn (ovisi u koji salon idete), a nadopune su, kako sam već i napisala, jeftinije. Stavila sam Vam i slike. Slika br.1 prikazuje moje prirodne trepavice, a slika br.2 trepavice nakon tretmana, s time da pošto ja imam prirodno guste trepavice stavljam samo 1 umjetnu na 1 prirodnu i dobijem odličan efekt, dok netko tko ima rjeđe trepavice za takav efekt će morati staviti više umjetnih na jednu prirodnu. Toliko od mene, nadam se da Vam nisam nešto zaboravila napisati, a Vi ako imate pitanje slobodno pitajte. smile emoticon
Vaše An&Ma
Hello goregeous,

Today I am writing very early, because when the morning started with An&Ma blog, the day must be a magical wink emoticon You asked me to write you about the treatment of eyelashes extensions, and since An&Ma blog loves to fulfill your wishes, I have decided to treat you exactly with that article .
Although I naturally have a lot of thick eyelashes and very rarely I wore mascara (altough everyone thought that I have a mascara), I decided on this treatment because I like to try new things. I must admit that as much as eyelashes looked wonderful, this treatment also have negative effects. I'll start with the virtues. In addition to beautiful and enchanting end result, that really can't be achieved with mascara, the procedure itself is painless and takes about an hour and a half. Lashes are glued to your natural lashes, during treatment your eyes must be closed (I mostly fall asleep), and the lower lashes are protected with adhesive strip because they will not be treated in that treatment.
Now follows the less beautiful part of that treatment. Eyelashes lasts quite short, 3-4 weeks, if you have naturally thick lashes (like me) you can extend them up to a month and a half. Each renewal costs 23-26 eur (depends on the salon). I honestly did not mind that flaw, but what I'm really bothered by, is the fact that my natural lashes become thinning and no longer as beautiful and thicke. I've decided that I will not put them through the year, but only in the summer, because we will be at sea and than I'm not in the mood for makeup. Who has a rare natural eyelashes, that flaw will not bother him and will definitely look better with thicker and longer eyelashes. I done my eyelashes in two salons. The first I will not mention because I do not have words of praise for them (The first day, my eyelashes started falling), and the other salon is Beautyholicc and with him I'm really happy. The first treatment costs between 46-58 eur, and complements, as I have already written, are cheaper. I put you the images. Picture No.1 shows my natural lashes and image No.2 lashes after treatment (since I have naturally thick eyelashes, they put only 1 artificial lash on 1 natural and I get a great effect, while someone with less lashes would have to put more artificial lashes to a natural lash for such effect . So much from me, and if you have a question, feel free to ask. smile emoticon
Yours An&Ma

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