Sunday, 17 January 2016

Dobrobiti kokosovog ulja / Benefits of coconut oil

Dobar dan ljepotice i ljepotani,
danas ću vam pisati o svom iskustvu sa kokosovim uljem i općenito o njegovim dobrobitima.
Obožavam kokos, njegov miris i okus. Zapravo volim sve što u sebi sadrži kokos (osobito čokoladu smile emoticon ).
Najbolje je koristiti hladno prešano jer je najzdravije, a njegova upotreba je raznovrsna.
Prije pola godine sam čula za mućkanje kokosa kojim iz tijela izvlačimo sve toksine iz našeg tijela (te samim time postajemo otporniji na bolesti), a naše zube bjelijima.
Iako neki kažu da ga je najbolje mućkati ujutro jer tada ima najviše efekta, ja to radim uvečer jer tada imam više vremena i svejedno sam se uvjerila u njegovu dobrobit.
Pola velike žlice hladno prešanog kokosova ulja mućkam 20 minuta.
Nakon 20 minuta ga ispljunem (ulje Vam tada mora biti guste bijele boje), a zube isperem toplom vodom, te ih operem kaladontom.
Samo pripazite da ga ne progutate kako toksine ne bi ponovo unijeli u organizam.
Za vrijeme i nakon trudnoće, imala sam probleme sa zubima, te na desnu stranu čeljusti uopće nisam mogla žvakati. No, koristeći kokosovo ulje, nakon mjesec dana bolovi su nestali, ja sam ponovno mogla žvakati, a zubi su mi postali bjeliji. 
Ja sam se opskrbila sa nekoliko staklenki Encianova hladno prešanog kokosovog ulja (cijena mu je cca 33,90 kn, a na sniženjima zna biti i cca 20 kn za 200ml. Plodine i Kufland ga često imaju na sniženju). 
Nemojte se prepasti ako vidite da se ulje zgusnulo. To će se dogoditi pri nižim temperaturama, dok će na višim biti u tekućem stanju.
Kokosovo ulje utažava glad i smanjuje apetit te će vam samim time stabilizirati tjelesnu težinu.
Ujutro pola male žličice ulja umiješam u kavu (možete ga dodati i u čaj), za bolju probavu. Osjetit ćete blagu aromu kokosa i po meni, čak i poboljša okus kave ili Nescafea.
Odličan je i za pečenje jer ne stvara štetne nusproizvode pri visokoj temperaturi. Nakon nekog vremena vidjet ćete kako se masne naslage tope sa vašeg trbuha, a on postaje sve ravniji.
Također ga možete koristiti:
- Jednu čajnu žličicu kokosovog ulja dodajte u vodu za kupanje kako bi bebina koža bila meka i čista.
- Djeluje protuupalno pa ga možete namazati na područje uboda ili otekline ili na kožu koja je nadražena suncem ili vjetrom. 
- Namažete li ga u tankom sloju prije stavljanja pelene, ublažit će pelenski osip. Anin David je dobio alergijsku reakciju nakon šok injekcije, te mu je koža oko guze popucala do krvi. Guzu su mu mazali i do 4 puta tokom dana kokosovim uljem te se stanje kože potpuno oproravilo nakon dan i pol.
- Dobar je i kod masaže desni prilkom izbijanja zubića.
- Nanosim ga na vlažno lice i tijelo, umasiram i papirnatom maramicom odstranim eventualni višak. Brzo se upija, a miris kokosa brzo ishlapi. Nekima ulje zna stvoriti prištiće, no meni nije.
- Obilno ga nanesem nakon depilacije kako vi spriječila iritacije.
Stručnjaci kažu da je savršen lijek kod ispucale suhe kože, a usporava proces starenja i stvaranje bora te:
- Smanjuje natečenost podočnjaka i bore ispod očiju.
- Umanjuje nastanak i pojavu proširenih vena.
- Lako uklanja šminku.
- Liječi gljivice ispod noktiju. 
- Ukoliko se nikako ne možete riješiti peruti, umasirajte prethodno zagrijano kokosovo ulje prije svakog pranje na vlasište i cijelu dužinu kose, omotajte kosu u punđu i držte minimalno pola sata. Nakon toga ga isperite bilo kojim šamponom, a na kraju stavite regenerator. Osim što ćete se riješiti peruti, kosa će Vam postati zdrava i gusta i imati lijepi sjaj.
Bitno je da ste ustrajni u njegovu korištenju jer rezultati ne dolaze preko noći.
Koristite li i vi kokosovo ulje i kakva su vam iskustva?
Vaše An&Ma
Hello gorgeous,
Today I will write about my experience with coconut oil and in general about its benefits.
I love coconut, it's smell and flavor. Actually, I love all that contains coconut (especially chocolate :-) ).
It is best to use cold-pressed oil because it is the healthiest, and its use is diverse.
Six months ago, I heard about oil pulling, which ejects all the toxins out of our bodies (and therefore we become resistant to diseases), and make our teeth whiter.
Although some say it is the best to do the oil pulling in the morning (because that has the best effect), I do it at night because then I have more time, and anyway I was convinced in his welfare.
I shake half tablespoon of cold-pressed coconut oil for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes I spit it out (oil will become thick and white), rinse the teeth with warm water, and wash them with toothpaste.
Just make sure you don't swallow oil, so that toxins would not re-enter the body.
During and after pregnancy, I had problems with the teeth and I couldn't chew on the right side of the jaw at all. However, using coconut oil, after a month the pain had gone, I could chew again, and my teeth become whiter.
I supplied with several jars of cold pressed coconut oil (the price is cca 4 eur, and on the sale it can be and cca 3 eur for 200ml.
Don't be scared if you see that the oil is thickened. This will occur at lower temperatures, while on the higher temperature it will be in liquid form.
Coconut oil decreases appetite and will therefore stabilize weight.
I add half a teaspoon of oil in the coffee (you can also add it in tea), for better digestion. You will feel a slight aroma of coconut and in my opinion, even improve the taste of coffee or Nescafe.
It is excellent for baking because it does not produce harmful side effects at high temperature. After a while you will see the fat melt from your stomach, and it becomes even flatter.
You can also use oil for this purpose:
- One teaspoon of coconut oil, add in the water for baby bath and baby skin will be soft and clean.
- It acts anti-inflammatory so it can be spread on the area of bites or swelling area, and also on skin that is irritated by the sun or the wind.
- If you spread him in a thin layer before placing the diaper, it will mitigate diaper rash. Ana's son got an allergic reaction after the shock injection, and his skin around butt cracked up to the blood. They spread oil on his butt up to 4 times during the day and the skin condition completely recover after a day and a half.
- Its good for massage of gums during outbreak teeth.
- I apply him on the wet face and body and rubbed with a paper towel to remove any excess. It is absorbed quickly, and the smell of coconut quickly evaporates. To some, oil can create pimples, but I didn't have problem with that.
- I apply a lot of oil after waxing to prevent irritation.
Experts say it is the perfect cure for cracked dry skin, aging and wrinkling, and also:
- Reduces dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes.
- Reduces formation and the appearance of varicose veins.
- Easily removes makeup.
- Cures fungus under the nails.
- If you just can not get rid of dandruff, massage previously warmed coconut oil before each wash on the scalp and the entire length of hair, wrap your hair in a bun and hold minimum for half an hour. Then rinse it with any shampoo, and finally put the conditioner. Besides you will get rid of dandruff, hair will become healthy and thick and have a beautiful shine.
It is important that you are persistent in its use because the results do not come overnight.
Do you use coconut oil and what are your experiences?
Yours An&Ma

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