Dobar dan drage naše ljepotice i ljepotani, danas Vam pišem o proizvodu bez kojeg više nemogu zamisliti svoj život. Radi se o Nova Derm losionu s Aha kiselinama. Od kad ga koristim lice mi blista, "obrisao" mi je crvenilo koje je ostalo od akni, osvježio lice, riješio mi je problem onih sitnih "znojnih" pristića i dubinski očistio lice. Koristim ga svaki drugi dan navečer prije spavanja, iako na pakiranju piše da se koristi svaki dan ujutro i navečer kod mene to nije funkcioniralo jer mi se lice počelo sušit i ljuštiti tako da sam otkrila da je moj najbolji omjer korištenja losina svaki drugi dan. Navečer skinem šminku, nakon toga s vaticom nanesem taj losion i zatim na još vlažno lice namažem ulje lješnjaka (o njemu ću Vam pisat i u zasebnom postu). Vjerujem da je to jedan od onih proizvoda koji će cijeli život biti u mojoj kozmetičkoj torbici jer ja osobno nešto bolje nisam nikad koristila-čuda radi na licu. Cijena mu je cca 45kn a traje jako dugo, imam ga preko mjesec dana a još nisam ni do pola došla. Kupiti ga možete u ljekarni. Ukoliko imate pitanja -tu sam za Vas. Pusa i uživajte u ovom diiivnom danu. 🌞🌞🌞 Vaše An&Ma
Hello gorgeous,
today I am writing about the product without I can't imagine my life anymore. It is a Nova Derm lotion with AHA acid. Since I use it, my face is shining, it "wiped" redness left by acne, refresh the face, solved the problem of those tiny "sweat" pimples and deep cleanse my face. I use it every other day at night before sleeping, although the packaging says it can be use every day (morning and evening), but for me it did not work because my face began to wither and exfoliate so I discovered that my best ratio is using lotion every other day. In the evening, I take off my makeup, then I apply the lotion on a cotton pad and then, when my face is still wet, I put peanut oil (I will write about him in a separate post). I believe this is one of those products that will be forever in my makeup bag, because I never used something better than this lotion (it makes miracles on the face). It costs cca 6 eur and lasts a long time, I've got him over a month and I have not even come halfway. You can buy it at a pharmacy. If you have questions, I'm here for you. Kisses and enjoy this beautiful day.
today I am writing about the product without I can't imagine my life anymore. It is a Nova Derm lotion with AHA acid. Since I use it, my face is shining, it "wiped" redness left by acne, refresh the face, solved the problem of those tiny "sweat" pimples and deep cleanse my face. I use it every other day at night before sleeping, although the packaging says it can be use every day (morning and evening), but for me it did not work because my face began to wither and exfoliate so I discovered that my best ratio is using lotion every other day. In the evening, I take off my makeup, then I apply the lotion on a cotton pad and then, when my face is still wet, I put peanut oil (I will write about him in a separate post). I believe this is one of those products that will be forever in my makeup bag, because I never used something better than this lotion (it makes miracles on the face). It costs cca 6 eur and lasts a long time, I've got him over a month and I have not even come halfway. You can buy it at a pharmacy. If you have questions, I'm here for you. Kisses and enjoy this beautiful day.
Yours An&Ma
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