Drage naše ljepotice, dragi naši ljepotani! Danas dijelim s Vama svoj jutarnji ritual wink emoticon Svako jutro, osim svog čarobnog napitka, popijem i Slimcut tablete za mršavljenje. O njima Vam sad neću ništa pisati pošto čekam da prođe bar mjesec dana da vidim efekt, a zatim Vam snimam video o mršavljenu u kojemu ću pričati o tim tabletama. Nakon njih popijem omega 3 tablete koje su jako zdrave za srce, mozak i zaslužne su za odlično raspoloženje. Ma obožavam ih!!!! Danas sam prvi put na Majin savjet isprobala i Nivea men losion kao podlogu za šminku i ODUŠEVLJENA sam!!!! Sadrži kamilicu i hamamelis, a to su savršena dva sastojka za umirivanje kože i crvenila, brzo se upija i ne lijepi se. Puder nakon njega izgleda diiivno 😍😍 Puder i rumenilo koje sam danas stavila su naravno marke Catrice. A sad ću Vam otkriti svoj čarobni mix za izbjeljivanje zubiju koji radim dva puta tjedno. Smiksam ulje kokosa i sodu bikarbonu te time operem zube. Eto, svi vi koji hvalite moje zube i divite im se, sad znate koja je tajna mog uspjeha. Toliko od mene za danas, ako imate pitanja- tu sam. Pusa i divan dan svimaa 💖💖 Vaše An&Ma
Hello gorgeous,
Today I will share with you my morning ritual wink emoticon Every morning, except from my ''magic potion'', I also drink Slimcut pills. I won't write you about them, because I will wait at least one month to pass to see the effect, and then I will shoot a video about weight losing, in which I will talk about these pills. After this pills, I drink omega 3 tablets that are very healthy for the heart, brain and are responsible for a good mood. Oh, I love them!!!! Today was the first time that I tried Nivea Men Lotion as a base for make-up and I am delighted!!!! It contains chamomile and hamamelis, which are perfect two ingredients to soothe the skin and redness, absorbs quickly and does not stick. Foundation looks gorgeous after him! smile emoticon Powder and blush that I'm using today is of course from brand Catrice. And now I will reveal magical mix for whitening teeth which I do twice a week. I mix coconut oil and baking soda and brush my teeth with it. All of you who admire my teeth, now you know what is the secret of my success. So much from me for now, if you have questions- I'm here. Kisses and have a nice day 💖💖Yours An&Ma
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