Prvi puder je Artdeco pure minerals. Na ambalaži piše da je to puder obogaćen mineralima, daje potpuno prirodan izgled kože, sadrži cink-oksid koji djeluje protiv nadražaja itd...i naravno da vas toliki hvalospjevi navedu da ga i kupite. Moram priznati da kad sam ga stavila, na prvu je djelovao diiivno, dao je prirodan izgled kože, svi masni djelovi bili su matirani, ten ujednačen, već kroz par sati (cca 3 sata) čelo i obrazi su mi se nenormalno sjajili, lice mi je izgledalo masnije nego inače, puder se uvukao u svaku sitnu boricu i izgledala sam kao da sam puna bora, a do navečer mi se dio obrisao s lica, a dio ostao pa sam bila puna mrlja. U svakom slučaju, strava!
Osim svega navedenoga, stvorio mi je i hrpu malih prištića, te dva velika. Puder dolazi u pakiranju od 30 ml, a cijena mu je 170kn (no po meni ne vrijedi ni 10kn). Kupila sam ga u Mulleru pa ako ga tko poželi kupiti, da zna gdje da ide.
Drugi puder je Catrice all matt puderCatrice.cosmetics.hrvatska koji me je oborio s nogu. Na ambalaži ne obećaju ništa osim da traje 18sati i matira kožu . Nakon što ga stavite koža je diiiivna ,matirana, ne naglašava suhe djelove kože, odlično prekriva i zaista traje cijeli dan. Nosila sam ga od 4.30h ujutro do 23.30h navečer i ni malo se nije skinuo sa lica. Možda je zaslužno i to što sam nakon šminknja stavila fiksator, no stavila sam ga i nakon Artdeco pudera pa se obrisao. Ovaj puder mi nije stvorio nikakve probleme s kožom (osip,prištiće). Također dolazi u pakiranju od 30 ml no po cijeni od 55 kn. Možete ga kupiti u dm-u i od srca Vam ga preporučam! Sve mi se čini da i s puderima vrijedi ono da neki puno pričaju, tj. obećavaju, a u djelima su slabi, a neki su šutljivi a jaki na djelima. Zato ne vjerujte onome što piše na ambalaži, ne vjerujte cijeni i ne povodite se za time. Prije nego što nešto kupite svakako pregledajte blogove, forume, zatražite tester i isto tako ako čitate iskustva drugih, provjerite da li se Vaš tip kože slaže s tipom kože te osobe čije iskustvo čitate. Moja koža je masna sa dehidriranim dijelovima, nije problematična ali znam u nekim periodima imati prištića i dosta mi je koža osjetljiva, tako da ako joj neki proizvod ne paše, burno reagira. Toliko od mene , ukoliko imate pitanje tu sam za Vas. Pusa,
Vaše An&Ma
Hello gorgeous,
I just had to share with you a review of those two powders, because I'm in shock how powder of 22 eur can be catastrophically worse than powder which costs only 7 eur.
The first powder is Artdeco pure minerals. The packaging says that this powder enriched with minerals, gives a completely natural appearance of the skin, contains zinc oxide, which acts against irritations etc ... and of course that when you read all that, you want to buy him. I must admit that when I put it, the first it acted wonderful, given the natural appearance of the skin, all the greasy parts were matt,... but after a couple of hours (about 3 hours) the forehead and cheeks were abnormally glowing, face looked greasier than usual, powder slipped into each small wrinkles and looked like I was full of wrinkles, and by evening part of powder wiped from the face, and on some part it stayed so I was full of stains. In each case, awfull!
In addition to the above, powder made me a bunch of small pimples, and two large. Powder comes in packages of 30 ml, and the price is 22 eur (but in my opinion, he is not worth even a 1 eur). I bought it in Muller.
The second powder is Catrice all matt powder who knocked me off my feet. They don't promise anything on the packaging, except that he lasts up to 18 hours and mattifies the skin. After you put it, the skin is wonderful, mattified, it doesn't emphasizes dry parts of the skin, excellent coverage and really lasts all day. I wore it in the morning from 4.30am to 23.30pm and does not removed from face. This powder did not create any problems with the skin (rashes, pimples). It also comes in the package of the 30 ml at the price of 7 eur. You can buy it in the dm and I really recommend it to you! I think that the sentence ''Actions, not words'', is valid on the powders too, because some of them promise a lot, but their actions are weak. So do not believe what it says on the packaging. Before you buy something, read the blogs, forums, ask the tester and also, if you read the experiences of others, make sure that your skin correspondes with the skin type of the person whose experience you are reading. My skin is oily with dehydrated parts, very sensitive, in some periods I have pimples, so if some product doesn't suits me, it reacts really bad. If you have a question, I'm here for you. Kiss,
Yours An&Ma
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