Hello gorgeous,
Guys, have you noticed that you are rapidly decreasing amount of after shaving balm?
Girls, have you tried to use this product before applying foundation on? What are your experiences?
What is it about?
After the blogger NikkieTutorials just announced that she is using after shaving balm as a primer before applying foundation, and that her face was perfectly all day, many women peered into cabinets of their men.
P.S. Except as a primer, it will serve great after waxing, to prevent ingrown hairs and irritations.
Girls, have you tried to use this product before applying foundation on? What are your experiences?
What is it about?
After the blogger NikkieTutorials just announced that she is using after shaving balm as a primer before applying foundation, and that her face was perfectly all day, many women peered into cabinets of their men.
P.S. Except as a primer, it will serve great after waxing, to prevent ingrown hairs and irritations.
Yours An&Ma
Dobra večer ljepotice i ljepotani!
Dečki, jeste li možda primjetili da vam se rapidno smanjuje količina balzama poslije brijanja?
Cure, jeste li ga probale koristiti prije nanošenja pudera? Kakva su vam iskustva?
O čemu je riječ?
Nakon što je blogerica NikkieTutorials objavila kako upravo njega koristi kao primer prije nanošenja pudera, te da joj je lice besprijekorno cijeli dan, mnoge su žene zavirile u ormariće svojih muškaraca ne bi li se i same uvjerile u navedeno.
P.s. Osim kao primer, odlično će poslužiti i nakon depilacije kako bi spriječile urastanje dlačica i točkice, tj. iritacije.
Vaše An&Ma
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