Thursday, 14 January 2016

Šminka bez koje ne mogu / Make up that I love

Good morning gorgeous, I am writing this early because there is nothing better than to start the morning with An&Ma blog. Today I will present cosmetics that killed all my beliefs, and her name is Catrice. A year ago in my toilet-bag you could only see Chanel, Dior, Estee Lauder and similar cosmetics because I was convinced that only the "expensive" cosmetics is quality. The turning point occurred when I saw that most of that cosmetics created problems and disorder on my face. I decided to experiment a little and try out the "cheaper" cosmetics, and by accident I decided to buy Catrice. I tried almost all -powder, blush, mascara, lipstick ... and I was pleasantly surprised, because it looks perfect on the face and didn't create a ''mess'' on my face. It was love at first sight. Powder does not close the pores, beautifully blend with the skin, provides excellent coverage and lasts all day (the price is cca 8 eur). Mascara gives immense volume, doesn't smear and also lasts all day (price is cca 5 eur). Lip liner is one of the best, because it is really long lasting and they really don't lie in the description of that product (price is cca 3 eur). Lipsticks are out of competition, but only those in silver packaging (the others are not so good). they are very moisturizing,have a strong pigment and beautiful shades (price is cca 3 eur). Compact powder for matting is perfect, because I put it in the morning and by the end of the day my forehead is not shining (the price is cca 5 eur). Bronzer is also perfect, long lasting and gives a beautiful sunny appearance (the price is cca 5 eur). Blushes are great too. I personally have this pink with glitter, but I also tried the others and all of them lasts the whole day (price is cca 4 eur). Literally, for the price of one Chanel powder, i bought half of Catrice products and I don't have a mess on my face (I gave Chanel powder to my mother- it is ok for her because she doesn't have sensitive skin as I do). In the picture you can see how my face looks with Catrice cosmetics. I hope that you will be delighted as I, because I believe that if nothing else, your wallet will. Catrice cosmetics can be purchased in dm stores. Enjoy the day !
Yours An&Ma
Dobro jutro drage naše ljepotice i dragi naši ljepotani. Pišem Vam ovako rano jer nema ljepše stvari nego započeti jutro uz An&Ma blog. Danas ću Vam predstaviti kozmetiku koja je pobila sva moja uvjerenja a ime joj je Catrice. Prije godinu dana u mojoj ste toaletnoj torbici mogli vidjeti samo Chanel, Dior, Estee Lauder i sličnu kozmetiku jer sam bila uvjerena da je jedino ta "skupa" kozmetika kvalitetna. Prekretnica se dogodila kad sam vidjela da mi većina te kozmetike stvara probleme i nered po licu. Odlučila sam malo eksperimentirati i isprobati "jeftiniju" kozmetiku i sasvim slučajno odlučila sam se za Catrice. Probala sam skoro sve -puder, rumenilo, maskaru, ruževe... i ostala jako ugodno iznenađena jer na licu je izgledala fenomenalno a nije mi stvarala "nered". Bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled. Puder ne zatvara pore, predivno se stopi s kožom , odlično prekriva i traje cijeli dan (cijena mu je cca.60kn) . Maskara daje famozan volumen , ne razmazuje se i također traje cijeli dan (cijena joj je cca.35kn). Olovka za usta mi je jedna od najboljih jer je stvarno dugotrajna i zaista ne lažu u njenom opisu (cijena joj je cca.20kn). Ruževi su im bez konkurencije ,no samo ovi u srebrnom pakiranju-ostali su loši,jako hidratantni, imaju jak pigmenat i lijepe nijanse( cijena im je cca.25kn).Puder u kamenu za matiranje je savršen jer ga stavim ujutro i do kraja dana mi se čelo ne masti (cijena mu je cca.40kn). Bronzer im je također odličan ,dugo drži i daje predivan osunčan izgled (cijena mu je cca.40kn). Rumenila su im sva divna, ja osobno imam ovo ružičasto sa šljokicama no probala sam i druga i sva im traju cijeli dan( cijena im je cca.30tak kn). Doslovno za cijenu jednog Chanel pudera kupim pola Catrice asortimana i nemam nered na licu,dok mi je Chanel radio kaos (poklonila sam ga mami -njoj je ok jer nema kao ja osjetljivu kožu). Na slici možete vidjeti kako na mom licu izgleda Catrice kozmetika. Nadam se da ćete i Vi biti oduševljeni kao i ja jer vjerujem da ako ništa drugo Vaš novčanik hoće. Catrice kozmetiku možete kupiti u Dm trgovinama. Uživajte u danu!

Vaše An&Ma

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