Friday, 29 January 2016

Naša 3 najčitanija članka na Fb / Our 3 most read articles on Fb

Drage naše ljepotice i ljepotani,
ovo su naša 3 najčitanija članka na Facebooku:
Hvala Vam od srca što nas pratite i podržavate! heart emoticon
Vaše An&Ma
Hello gorgeous,
These are our 3 most read articles on facebook:
Thank you from the bottom of our heart for support and follow!
Your An&Ma

O tretmanu ugradnje umjetnih trepavica / About eyelashes extensions treatment

Drage naše ljepotice, dragi naši ljepotani! Danas Vam pišem jaaako rano, jer kad jutro započnete uz An&Ma blog, dan Vam mora biti čaroban wink emoticonZamolili ste me da Vam pišem o tretmanu ugradnje umjetnih trepavica, a pošto An&Ma blog obožava ostvarivati Vaše želje, danas sam Vas odlučila počastiti upravo tim člankom. 
Iako ja prirodno imam dosta guste trepavice i vrlo rijetko sam nosila maskaru (a uvijek bi svi mislili da ju nosim), ipak sam se odlučila na ovaj tretman jer volim isprobavati nove stvari. Moram priznati da koliko god trepavice diivno izgledale ovaj tretman ima i svojih mana. Početi ću sa vrlinama 😁. Osim predivnog i očaravajučeg krajnjeg rezultata koji zaista s maskarom ne možete postići, sam postupak je bezbolan i traje cca sat i pol. Trepavice se lijepe na Vaše prirodne trepavice, za vrijeme tretmana žmirite ( ja većinom zaspem), a donji dio trepavica Vam kozmetičarka zaštiti ljepljivom trakicom jer se na taj dio umjetne trepavice ne lijepe (i da, ne morate brinuti da ćete kad Vam skida trakicu ostati bez donjih trepavica jer nije baš tako jako ljepljiva ta trakica).
Sad slijedi onaj manje lijepi dio , odnosno mane. Trepavice traju dosta kratko, 3-4tjedna, ukoliko imate prirodno guste (kao ja) možete ih razvuči i do mjesec i pol dana a svaka obnova košta 180-200kn (ovisi u kojem salonu radite). Meni iskreno ta mana nije smetala, no ono što mi je jako zasmetalo je to što su mi se moje prirodne trepavice dosta prorijedile i više nisu onako divne i guste. Odlučila sam da ih više neću stavljati kroz godinu nego samo na ljeto jer mi se na moru neda šminkati. Tko ima prirodno rijetke trepavice možda mu ta mana neće smetati i svakako će ljepše izgledati sa guščim i dužim trepavicama. Svoje trepavice radila sam u dva salona, prvi neću spominjati jer nemam za njih riječi hvale (već 1. dan su mi počele padati trepavice), a drugi se zove Beautyholicc i s njim sam stvarno jako zadovoljna. Prvi tretman košta između 350-450kn (ovisi u koji salon idete), a nadopune su, kako sam već i napisala, jeftinije. Stavila sam Vam i slike. Slika br.1 prikazuje moje prirodne trepavice, a slika br.2 trepavice nakon tretmana, s time da pošto ja imam prirodno guste trepavice stavljam samo 1 umjetnu na 1 prirodnu i dobijem odličan efekt, dok netko tko ima rjeđe trepavice za takav efekt će morati staviti više umjetnih na jednu prirodnu. Toliko od mene, nadam se da Vam nisam nešto zaboravila napisati, a Vi ako imate pitanje slobodno pitajte. smile emoticon
Vaše An&Ma
Hello goregeous,

Today I am writing very early, because when the morning started with An&Ma blog, the day must be a magical wink emoticon You asked me to write you about the treatment of eyelashes extensions, and since An&Ma blog loves to fulfill your wishes, I have decided to treat you exactly with that article .
Although I naturally have a lot of thick eyelashes and very rarely I wore mascara (altough everyone thought that I have a mascara), I decided on this treatment because I like to try new things. I must admit that as much as eyelashes looked wonderful, this treatment also have negative effects. I'll start with the virtues. In addition to beautiful and enchanting end result, that really can't be achieved with mascara, the procedure itself is painless and takes about an hour and a half. Lashes are glued to your natural lashes, during treatment your eyes must be closed (I mostly fall asleep), and the lower lashes are protected with adhesive strip because they will not be treated in that treatment.
Now follows the less beautiful part of that treatment. Eyelashes lasts quite short, 3-4 weeks, if you have naturally thick lashes (like me) you can extend them up to a month and a half. Each renewal costs 23-26 eur (depends on the salon). I honestly did not mind that flaw, but what I'm really bothered by, is the fact that my natural lashes become thinning and no longer as beautiful and thicke. I've decided that I will not put them through the year, but only in the summer, because we will be at sea and than I'm not in the mood for makeup. Who has a rare natural eyelashes, that flaw will not bother him and will definitely look better with thicker and longer eyelashes. I done my eyelashes in two salons. The first I will not mention because I do not have words of praise for them (The first day, my eyelashes started falling), and the other salon is Beautyholicc and with him I'm really happy. The first treatment costs between 46-58 eur, and complements, as I have already written, are cheaper. I put you the images. Picture No.1 shows my natural lashes and image No.2 lashes after treatment (since I have naturally thick eyelashes, they put only 1 artificial lash on 1 natural and I get a great effect, while someone with less lashes would have to put more artificial lashes to a natural lash for such effect . So much from me, and if you have a question, feel free to ask. smile emoticon
Yours An&Ma

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Jutarnji rituali / Morning rituals

Drage naše ljepotice, dragi naši ljepotani! Danas dijelim s Vama svoj jutarnji ritual wink emoticon Svako jutro, osim svog čarobnog napitka, popijem i Slimcut tablete za mršavljenje. O njima Vam sad neću ništa pisati pošto čekam da prođe bar mjesec dana da vidim efekt, a zatim Vam snimam video o mršavljenu u kojemu ću pričati o tim tabletama. Nakon njih popijem omega 3 tablete koje su jako zdrave za srce, mozak i zaslužne su za odlično raspoloženje. Ma obožavam ih!!!! Danas sam prvi put na Majin savjet isprobala i Nivea men losion kao podlogu za šminku i ODUŠEVLJENA sam!!!! Sadrži kamilicu i hamamelis, a to su savršena dva sastojka za umirivanje kože i crvenila, brzo se upija i ne lijepi se. Puder nakon njega izgleda diiivno 😍😍 Puder i rumenilo koje sam danas stavila su naravno marke Catrice. A sad ću Vam otkriti svoj čarobni mix za izbjeljivanje zubiju koji radim dva puta tjedno. Smiksam ulje kokosa i sodu bikarbonu te time operem zube. Eto, svi vi koji hvalite moje zube i divite im se, sad znate koja je tajna mog uspjeha. Toliko od mene za danas, ako imate pitanja- tu sam. Pusa i divan dan svimaa 💖💖 Vaše An&Ma
Hello gorgeous,
Today I will share with you my morning ritual wink emoticon Every morning, except from my ''magic potion'', I also drink Slimcut pills. I won't write you about them, because I will wait at least one month to pass to see the effect, and then I will shoot a video about weight losing, in which I will talk about these pills. After this pills, I drink omega 3 tablets that are very healthy for the heart, brain and are responsible for a good mood. Oh, I love them!!!! Today was the first time that I tried Nivea Men Lotion as a base for make-up and I am delighted!!!! It contains chamomile and hamamelis, which are perfect two ingredients to soothe the skin and redness, absorbs quickly and does not stick. Foundation looks gorgeous after him! smile emoticon Powder and blush that I'm using today is of course from brand Catrice. And now I will reveal magical mix for whitening teeth which I do twice a week. I mix coconut oil and baking soda and brush my teeth with it. All of you who admire my teeth, now you know what is the secret of my success. So much from me for now, if you have questions- I'm here. Kisses and have a nice day 💖💖Yours An&Ma

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

New in

Drage naše ljepotice,
danas sam otišla u dm po par stvari i vidjela da imaju akciju kojom kupnjom pudera Bourjois helathy mix (109,90 kn), na poklon dobivate Bourjois maskaru po izboru (ja sam odabrala vodootpornu. Inače joj je cijena 84,90 kn).
Do sada sam od Bourjoisa koristila samo rumenilo i sa njim sam bila zadovoljna.
Uskoro ću napisati recenziju o ovim proizvodima.
Jeste li već koristile ovaj puder ili maskaru i jeste li zadovoljne?
Vaše An&Ma
dm drogerie markt Hrvatska , Bourjois Hrvatska
Hello gorgeous,
Today I went to the DM to buy a few things and saw that they have an action which is if you purchase Bourjois powder helathy mix (14 eur), you get Bourjois mascara for free (I chose waterproof. Otherwise it's price 11 eur).
So far I have only used Bourjois blush and I was pleased with it.
Soon I will write a review about this products.
Have you already used this foundation or mascara, and are you satisfied?
Yours An&Ma
Dobar dan drage naše ljepotice i ljepotani, danas Vam pišem o proizvodu bez kojeg više nemogu zamisliti svoj život. Radi se o Nova Derm losionu s Aha kiselinama. Od kad ga koristim lice mi blista, "obrisao" mi je crvenilo koje je ostalo od akni, osvježio lice, riješio mi je problem onih sitnih "znojnih" pristića i dubinski očistio lice. Koristim ga svaki drugi dan navečer prije spavanja, iako na pakiranju piše da se koristi svaki dan ujutro i navečer kod mene to nije funkcioniralo jer mi se lice počelo sušit i ljuštiti tako da sam otkrila da je moj najbolji omjer korištenja losina svaki drugi dan. Navečer skinem šminku, nakon toga s vaticom nanesem taj losion i zatim na još vlažno lice namažem ulje lješnjaka (o njemu ću Vam pisat i u zasebnom postu). Vjerujem da je to jedan od onih proizvoda koji će cijeli život biti u mojoj kozmetičkoj torbici jer ja osobno nešto bolje nisam nikad koristila-čuda radi na licu. Cijena mu je cca 45kn a traje jako dugo, imam ga preko mjesec dana a još nisam ni do pola došla. Kupiti ga možete u ljekarni. Ukoliko imate pitanja -tu sam za Vas. Pusa i uživajte u ovom diiivnom danu. 🌞🌞🌞 Vaše An&Ma
Hello gorgeous,
today I am writing about the product without I can't imagine my life anymore. It is a Nova Derm lotion with AHA acid. Since I use it, my face is shining, it "wiped" redness left by acne, refresh the face, solved the problem of those tiny "sweat" pimples and deep cleanse my face. I use it every other day at night before sleeping, although the packaging says it can be use every day (morning and evening), but for me it did not work because my face began to wither and exfoliate so I discovered that my best ratio is using lotion every other day. In the evening, I take off my makeup, then I apply the lotion on a cotton pad and then, when my face is still wet, I put peanut oil (I will write about him in a separate post). I believe this is one of those products that will be forever in my makeup bag, because I never used something better than this lotion (it makes miracles on the face). It costs cca 6 eur and lasts a long time, I've got him over a month and I have not even come halfway. You can buy it at a pharmacy. If you have questions, I'm here for you. Kisses and enjoy this beautiful day.
Yours An&Ma

Najbolji puder / Best face powder

Drage naše ljepotice i ljepotani, jednostavno sam danas morala sa Vama podijeliti recenziju ova dva pudera, jer sam u šoku koliko puder od 170 kn može biti katastrofično lošiji od pudera koji košta samo 55kn. 
Prvi puder je Artdeco pure minerals. Na ambalaži piše da je to puder obogaćen mineralima, daje potpuno prirodan izgled kože, sadrži cink-oksid koji djeluje protiv nadražaja itd...i naravno da vas toliki hvalospjevi navedu da ga i kupite. Moram priznati da kad sam ga stavila, na prvu je djelovao diiivno, dao je prirodan izgled kože, svi masni djelovi bili su matirani, ten ujednačen, već kroz par sati (cca 3 sata) čelo i obrazi su mi se nenormalno sjajili, lice mi je izgledalo masnije nego inače, puder se uvukao u svaku sitnu boricu i izgledala sam kao da sam puna bora, a do navečer mi se dio obrisao s lica, a dio ostao pa sam bila puna mrlja. U svakom slučaju, strava!
Osim svega navedenoga, stvorio mi je i hrpu malih prištića, te dva velika. Puder dolazi u pakiranju od 30 ml, a cijena mu je 170kn (no po meni ne vrijedi ni 10kn). Kupila sam ga u Mulleru pa ako ga tko poželi kupiti, da zna gdje da ide.
Drugi puder je Catrice all matt puderCatrice.cosmetics.hrvatska koji me je oborio s nogu. Na ambalaži ne obećaju ništa osim da traje 18sati i matira kožu . Nakon što ga stavite koža je diiiivna ,matirana, ne naglašava suhe djelove kože, odlično prekriva i zaista traje cijeli dan. Nosila sam ga od 4.30h ujutro do 23.30h navečer i ni malo se nije skinuo sa lica. Možda je zaslužno i to što sam nakon šminknja stavila fiksator, no stavila sam ga i nakon Artdeco pudera pa se obrisao. Ovaj puder mi nije stvorio nikakve probleme s kožom (osip,prištiće). Također dolazi u pakiranju od 30 ml no po cijeni od 55 kn. Možete ga kupiti u dm-u i od srca Vam ga preporučam! Sve mi se čini da i s puderima vrijedi ono da neki puno pričaju, tj. obećavaju, a u djelima su slabi, a neki su šutljivi a jaki na djelima. Zato ne vjerujte onome što piše na ambalaži, ne vjerujte cijeni i ne povodite se za time. Prije nego što nešto kupite svakako pregledajte blogove, forume, zatražite tester i isto tako ako čitate iskustva drugih, provjerite da li se Vaš tip kože slaže s tipom kože te osobe čije iskustvo čitate. Moja koža je masna sa dehidriranim dijelovima, nije problematična ali znam u nekim periodima imati prištića i dosta mi je koža osjetljiva, tako da ako joj neki proizvod ne paše, burno reagira. Toliko od mene , ukoliko imate pitanje tu sam za Vas. Pusa,

Vaše An&Ma
Hello gorgeous,
I just had to share with you a review of those two powders, because I'm in shock how powder of 22 eur can be catastrophically worse than powder which costs only 7 eur.
The first powder is Artdeco pure minerals. The packaging says that this powder enriched with minerals, gives a completely natural appearance of the skin, contains zinc oxide, which acts against irritations etc ... and of course that when you read all that, you want to buy him. I must admit that when I put it, the first it acted wonderful, given the natural appearance of the skin, all the greasy parts were matt,... but after a couple of hours (about 3 hours) the forehead and cheeks were abnormally glowing, face looked greasier than usual, powder slipped into each small wrinkles and looked like I was full of wrinkles, and by evening part of powder wiped from the face, and on some part it stayed so I was full of stains. In each case, awfull!
In addition to the above, powder made me a bunch of small pimples, and two large. Powder comes in packages of 30 ml, and the price is 22 eur (but in my opinion, he is not worth even a 1 eur). I bought it in Muller.
The second powder is Catrice all matt powder who knocked me off my feet. They don't promise anything on the packaging, except that he lasts up to 18 hours and mattifies the skin. After you put it, the skin is wonderful, mattified, it doesn't emphasizes dry parts of the skin, excellent coverage and really lasts all day. I wore it in the morning from 4.30am to 23.30pm and does not removed from face. This powder did not create any problems with the skin (rashes, pimples). It also comes in the package of the 30 ml at the price of 7 eur. You can buy it in the dm and I really recommend it to you! I think that the sentence ''Actions, not words'', is valid on the powders too, because some of them promise a lot, but their actions are weak. So do not believe what it says on the packaging. Before you buy something, read the blogs, forums, ask the tester and also, if you read the experiences of others, make sure that your skin correspondes with the skin type of the person whose experience you are reading. My skin is oily with dehydrated parts, very sensitive, in some periods I have pimples, so if some product doesn't suits me, it reacts really bad. If you have a question, I'm here for you. Kiss,

Yours An&Ma

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Japansko iscrtavanje obrva / Microblading

Dobar dan drage naše ljepotice i ljepotani, veselim se objavi današnjeg članka jer sam zaista dobila puno poruka od Vas s pitanjima na tu temu. Naravno, radi se o metodi japanskog iscrtavanja obrva. Odlučila sam ih raditi kod gospođe Morane šminkanje za vjenčanja by Morana jer po meni je onda jedina osoba koja ih radi da izgledaju potpuno prirodno a ne kao tetovirana ravna crta. Slika br.1 prikazuje moje početno stanje obrva. Slika br.2 i br.3 prikazuju mjerenje obrva kako bi obje izgledale jednako. Nakon mjerenja slijedi iscrtavanje obrva, no to nisam slikala jer se bode pod kožu i malo krvari, a ja krv ne podnosim i pozli mi kad ju vidim. Mene osobno sam rad nije bolio (osjećaj je sličan mikrodermoabraziji, ako ste ju radili) , vrlo slabo sam osjetila no to je zato jer se prije samog početka dio koji se tretira namaže anestetikom. Slika br.4 prikazuje završno bojenje obrva. Namaže se boja te stoji cca.10tak minuta a nakon toga se skida. Slika br.5 prikazuje završni rezultat, iako tad je boja malo prejaka- kroz 5 dana 30%boje izblijedi i tad zapravo vidite konačni rezultat , kod mene je to prikazano na slici br.6. Nakon tretmana obrve se njeguju 5 dana ,5 puta dnevno sa Bepanthen masti i mene osobno nisu niti zatezale obrve niti sam bila puna krasti , dok se neki znaju žaliti na to. Pitali ste me i što se s njima dogodi nakon 1-2.godine . Iako ih ja imam tek par mjeseci , gospođa Morana mi je rekla da je njihovo trajanje nešto manje od godine dana a nakon toga idete na korekciju obrva , no to vas ne mora brinuti jer korekcija zaista nije skupa , dok kad idete prvi put na izradu ipak morate izdvojiti veču svotu novaca. Eto dragi moji to je to od mene , ako vas još nešto zanima slobodno me pitajte.
Hello gorgeous, I'm looking forward to the publication of today's article because I really got a lot of messages from you with questions on that subject. Of course, it is a Japanese technique of drawing eyebrows. I decided to do them at Mrs. Morana…/…because to me, she is the only person who is drawing them to look completely natural and not like a tattooed straight line. Picture No.1 shows my initial state of eyebrows. Picture No.2 and No.3 show measurement of eyebrows so they both looks the same. After measuring follows drawing eyebrows, but I didn't pictured that because she stings under the skin and it bleeds a little, and I can not stand blood and I become sick when I see it. Personally, it didn't hurt (the feeling is similar to microdermoabrasion), I didn't feel much, but this is because she put anesthetic on the treated part. Picture No. 4 shows repainting of eyebrows. The paint is smeared and standing cca 10 minutes and then is removed. Picture No. 5 shows the final result, although a color is too strong- for 5 days, 30% of the color fades and then you actually see the final result ( for me it is shown in picture No.6). After a treatment you must nourish eyebrows for 5 days, lubricate 5 times a day with Bepanthen fats. I didn't get any tightening nor scabs, while some people complain about it. You asked me, what happens to them after 1 or 2 years. Although I have them only a few months, Mrs. Morana told me that their duration is slightly less than a year, and after that you go to the correction of eyebrows, but that you do not have to worry because the correction is really not expensive.
Well my dear, that's it from me, if you still want to know anything feel free to ask me.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Dobrobiti kokosovog ulja / Benefits of coconut oil

Dobar dan ljepotice i ljepotani,
danas ću vam pisati o svom iskustvu sa kokosovim uljem i općenito o njegovim dobrobitima.
Obožavam kokos, njegov miris i okus. Zapravo volim sve što u sebi sadrži kokos (osobito čokoladu smile emoticon ).
Najbolje je koristiti hladno prešano jer je najzdravije, a njegova upotreba je raznovrsna.
Prije pola godine sam čula za mućkanje kokosa kojim iz tijela izvlačimo sve toksine iz našeg tijela (te samim time postajemo otporniji na bolesti), a naše zube bjelijima.
Iako neki kažu da ga je najbolje mućkati ujutro jer tada ima najviše efekta, ja to radim uvečer jer tada imam više vremena i svejedno sam se uvjerila u njegovu dobrobit.
Pola velike žlice hladno prešanog kokosova ulja mućkam 20 minuta.
Nakon 20 minuta ga ispljunem (ulje Vam tada mora biti guste bijele boje), a zube isperem toplom vodom, te ih operem kaladontom.
Samo pripazite da ga ne progutate kako toksine ne bi ponovo unijeli u organizam.
Za vrijeme i nakon trudnoće, imala sam probleme sa zubima, te na desnu stranu čeljusti uopće nisam mogla žvakati. No, koristeći kokosovo ulje, nakon mjesec dana bolovi su nestali, ja sam ponovno mogla žvakati, a zubi su mi postali bjeliji. 
Ja sam se opskrbila sa nekoliko staklenki Encianova hladno prešanog kokosovog ulja (cijena mu je cca 33,90 kn, a na sniženjima zna biti i cca 20 kn za 200ml. Plodine i Kufland ga često imaju na sniženju). 
Nemojte se prepasti ako vidite da se ulje zgusnulo. To će se dogoditi pri nižim temperaturama, dok će na višim biti u tekućem stanju.
Kokosovo ulje utažava glad i smanjuje apetit te će vam samim time stabilizirati tjelesnu težinu.
Ujutro pola male žličice ulja umiješam u kavu (možete ga dodati i u čaj), za bolju probavu. Osjetit ćete blagu aromu kokosa i po meni, čak i poboljša okus kave ili Nescafea.
Odličan je i za pečenje jer ne stvara štetne nusproizvode pri visokoj temperaturi. Nakon nekog vremena vidjet ćete kako se masne naslage tope sa vašeg trbuha, a on postaje sve ravniji.
Također ga možete koristiti:
- Jednu čajnu žličicu kokosovog ulja dodajte u vodu za kupanje kako bi bebina koža bila meka i čista.
- Djeluje protuupalno pa ga možete namazati na područje uboda ili otekline ili na kožu koja je nadražena suncem ili vjetrom. 
- Namažete li ga u tankom sloju prije stavljanja pelene, ublažit će pelenski osip. Anin David je dobio alergijsku reakciju nakon šok injekcije, te mu je koža oko guze popucala do krvi. Guzu su mu mazali i do 4 puta tokom dana kokosovim uljem te se stanje kože potpuno oproravilo nakon dan i pol.
- Dobar je i kod masaže desni prilkom izbijanja zubića.
- Nanosim ga na vlažno lice i tijelo, umasiram i papirnatom maramicom odstranim eventualni višak. Brzo se upija, a miris kokosa brzo ishlapi. Nekima ulje zna stvoriti prištiće, no meni nije.
- Obilno ga nanesem nakon depilacije kako vi spriječila iritacije.
Stručnjaci kažu da je savršen lijek kod ispucale suhe kože, a usporava proces starenja i stvaranje bora te:
- Smanjuje natečenost podočnjaka i bore ispod očiju.
- Umanjuje nastanak i pojavu proširenih vena.
- Lako uklanja šminku.
- Liječi gljivice ispod noktiju. 
- Ukoliko se nikako ne možete riješiti peruti, umasirajte prethodno zagrijano kokosovo ulje prije svakog pranje na vlasište i cijelu dužinu kose, omotajte kosu u punđu i držte minimalno pola sata. Nakon toga ga isperite bilo kojim šamponom, a na kraju stavite regenerator. Osim što ćete se riješiti peruti, kosa će Vam postati zdrava i gusta i imati lijepi sjaj.
Bitno je da ste ustrajni u njegovu korištenju jer rezultati ne dolaze preko noći.
Koristite li i vi kokosovo ulje i kakva su vam iskustva?
Vaše An&Ma
Hello gorgeous,
Today I will write about my experience with coconut oil and in general about its benefits.
I love coconut, it's smell and flavor. Actually, I love all that contains coconut (especially chocolate :-) ).
It is best to use cold-pressed oil because it is the healthiest, and its use is diverse.
Six months ago, I heard about oil pulling, which ejects all the toxins out of our bodies (and therefore we become resistant to diseases), and make our teeth whiter.
Although some say it is the best to do the oil pulling in the morning (because that has the best effect), I do it at night because then I have more time, and anyway I was convinced in his welfare.
I shake half tablespoon of cold-pressed coconut oil for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes I spit it out (oil will become thick and white), rinse the teeth with warm water, and wash them with toothpaste.
Just make sure you don't swallow oil, so that toxins would not re-enter the body.
During and after pregnancy, I had problems with the teeth and I couldn't chew on the right side of the jaw at all. However, using coconut oil, after a month the pain had gone, I could chew again, and my teeth become whiter.
I supplied with several jars of cold pressed coconut oil (the price is cca 4 eur, and on the sale it can be and cca 3 eur for 200ml.
Don't be scared if you see that the oil is thickened. This will occur at lower temperatures, while on the higher temperature it will be in liquid form.
Coconut oil decreases appetite and will therefore stabilize weight.
I add half a teaspoon of oil in the coffee (you can also add it in tea), for better digestion. You will feel a slight aroma of coconut and in my opinion, even improve the taste of coffee or Nescafe.
It is excellent for baking because it does not produce harmful side effects at high temperature. After a while you will see the fat melt from your stomach, and it becomes even flatter.
You can also use oil for this purpose:
- One teaspoon of coconut oil, add in the water for baby bath and baby skin will be soft and clean.
- It acts anti-inflammatory so it can be spread on the area of bites or swelling area, and also on skin that is irritated by the sun or the wind.
- If you spread him in a thin layer before placing the diaper, it will mitigate diaper rash. Ana's son got an allergic reaction after the shock injection, and his skin around butt cracked up to the blood. They spread oil on his butt up to 4 times during the day and the skin condition completely recover after a day and a half.
- Its good for massage of gums during outbreak teeth.
- I apply him on the wet face and body and rubbed with a paper towel to remove any excess. It is absorbed quickly, and the smell of coconut quickly evaporates. To some, oil can create pimples, but I didn't have problem with that.
- I apply a lot of oil after waxing to prevent irritation.
Experts say it is the perfect cure for cracked dry skin, aging and wrinkling, and also:
- Reduces dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes.
- Reduces formation and the appearance of varicose veins.
- Easily removes makeup.
- Cures fungus under the nails.
- If you just can not get rid of dandruff, massage previously warmed coconut oil before each wash on the scalp and the entire length of hair, wrap your hair in a bun and hold minimum for half an hour. Then rinse it with any shampoo, and finally put the conditioner. Besides you will get rid of dandruff, hair will become healthy and thick and have a beautiful shine.
It is important that you are persistent in its use because the results do not come overnight.
Do you use coconut oil and what are your experiences?
Yours An&Ma

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Šminka bez koje ne mogu / Make up that I love

Good morning gorgeous, I am writing this early because there is nothing better than to start the morning with An&Ma blog. Today I will present cosmetics that killed all my beliefs, and her name is Catrice. A year ago in my toilet-bag you could only see Chanel, Dior, Estee Lauder and similar cosmetics because I was convinced that only the "expensive" cosmetics is quality. The turning point occurred when I saw that most of that cosmetics created problems and disorder on my face. I decided to experiment a little and try out the "cheaper" cosmetics, and by accident I decided to buy Catrice. I tried almost all -powder, blush, mascara, lipstick ... and I was pleasantly surprised, because it looks perfect on the face and didn't create a ''mess'' on my face. It was love at first sight. Powder does not close the pores, beautifully blend with the skin, provides excellent coverage and lasts all day (the price is cca 8 eur). Mascara gives immense volume, doesn't smear and also lasts all day (price is cca 5 eur). Lip liner is one of the best, because it is really long lasting and they really don't lie in the description of that product (price is cca 3 eur). Lipsticks are out of competition, but only those in silver packaging (the others are not so good). they are very moisturizing,have a strong pigment and beautiful shades (price is cca 3 eur). Compact powder for matting is perfect, because I put it in the morning and by the end of the day my forehead is not shining (the price is cca 5 eur). Bronzer is also perfect, long lasting and gives a beautiful sunny appearance (the price is cca 5 eur). Blushes are great too. I personally have this pink with glitter, but I also tried the others and all of them lasts the whole day (price is cca 4 eur). Literally, for the price of one Chanel powder, i bought half of Catrice products and I don't have a mess on my face (I gave Chanel powder to my mother- it is ok for her because she doesn't have sensitive skin as I do). In the picture you can see how my face looks with Catrice cosmetics. I hope that you will be delighted as I, because I believe that if nothing else, your wallet will. Catrice cosmetics can be purchased in dm stores. Enjoy the day !
Yours An&Ma
Dobro jutro drage naše ljepotice i dragi naši ljepotani. Pišem Vam ovako rano jer nema ljepše stvari nego započeti jutro uz An&Ma blog. Danas ću Vam predstaviti kozmetiku koja je pobila sva moja uvjerenja a ime joj je Catrice. Prije godinu dana u mojoj ste toaletnoj torbici mogli vidjeti samo Chanel, Dior, Estee Lauder i sličnu kozmetiku jer sam bila uvjerena da je jedino ta "skupa" kozmetika kvalitetna. Prekretnica se dogodila kad sam vidjela da mi većina te kozmetike stvara probleme i nered po licu. Odlučila sam malo eksperimentirati i isprobati "jeftiniju" kozmetiku i sasvim slučajno odlučila sam se za Catrice. Probala sam skoro sve -puder, rumenilo, maskaru, ruževe... i ostala jako ugodno iznenađena jer na licu je izgledala fenomenalno a nije mi stvarala "nered". Bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled. Puder ne zatvara pore, predivno se stopi s kožom , odlično prekriva i traje cijeli dan (cijena mu je cca.60kn) . Maskara daje famozan volumen , ne razmazuje se i također traje cijeli dan (cijena joj je cca.35kn). Olovka za usta mi je jedna od najboljih jer je stvarno dugotrajna i zaista ne lažu u njenom opisu (cijena joj je cca.20kn). Ruževi su im bez konkurencije ,no samo ovi u srebrnom pakiranju-ostali su loši,jako hidratantni, imaju jak pigmenat i lijepe nijanse( cijena im je cca.25kn).Puder u kamenu za matiranje je savršen jer ga stavim ujutro i do kraja dana mi se čelo ne masti (cijena mu je cca.40kn). Bronzer im je također odličan ,dugo drži i daje predivan osunčan izgled (cijena mu je cca.40kn). Rumenila su im sva divna, ja osobno imam ovo ružičasto sa šljokicama no probala sam i druga i sva im traju cijeli dan( cijena im je cca.30tak kn). Doslovno za cijenu jednog Chanel pudera kupim pola Catrice asortimana i nemam nered na licu,dok mi je Chanel radio kaos (poklonila sam ga mami -njoj je ok jer nema kao ja osjetljivu kožu). Na slici možete vidjeti kako na mom licu izgleda Catrice kozmetika. Nadam se da ćete i Vi biti oduševljeni kao i ja jer vjerujem da ako ništa drugo Vaš novčanik hoće. Catrice kozmetiku možete kupiti u Dm trgovinama. Uživajte u danu!

Vaše An&Ma

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Monday, 11 January 2016

Što učiniti da Vam dijete prospava noć / What to do to make your baby sleep through the night

Hello gorgeous,
From the moment you become pregnant and await the arrival of your little angel into the world, people start saying that you sleep while you can, because the 8 hours of sleep will be just a nice memory. And when the baby arrives, they telling you to sleep when the baby sleeps, but this is impossible with thousands of other obligations that you have to make.
In these 10 months, Nina was waking up during the night every 2 hours (sometimes every hour). My mom was comforting me by saying it would pass when she wll be 3 months old, because most of the babies learn how to sleep by then. And so I was waiting on her third month to come, but the situation was the same. As I was exclusively breastfeeding her first 6 months , I thought that maybe that wasn't enough for her before bedtime, so I was also breastfeeding her during the night. Then I hoped that situation will change when she will be 6 months, when she will start to eat solid food, but situations was the same.
She eats before going to bed, than I brestfeed her, but nothing... she was still waking up during the night.
Then Ana advised me to let her cry, but not talk to her (I can only cuddle her arm, but I done that only the first night, because then she was reaching her arms out to me, so i thought it was contraproductive).
A mistake that we did while we were let her cry on several occasions, was that we were talking to her, trying to soothe her. So 6 days ago I let her cry. She was crying 30 minutes and fell asleep. Later, she was still wake up 3 times, but again fell asleep.
The other night she cried for 10 minutes, and then began to sleep without waking up (12 hours straight). Since then we have calmer mornings. She is waking up cheerful, not looking for breast every now and then, and when i leave her in the crib to do my morning hygiene, she is calm (before she was always crying).
I know it will be very difficult to listen to your angel drowning in tears, but be consistent!

Greetings from rested mom smile emoticon
Dobar dan ljepotice i ljepotani,
Znate i sami da dok još očekujete dolazak vašeg malog anđela na svijet, sa svih strana vam ljudi počnu govoriti da si odspavate dok još možete, jer će 8 sati sna u komadu biti samo lijepo sjećanje. A kada dijete stigne, govore vam da spavate i kada beba spava, no to je nemoguće uz tisuće drugih obaveza koje morate napraviti.
Moja Nina je u ovih 10 mjeseci, samo jednu noć prospavala, a ostale se budila svaka 2 sata (nekad i svaki sat). Mama me tješila da će to proći jer djeca usvajaju noć sa 3 mjeseca. I tako čekam ja taj treći mjesec, no situacija je bila ista. Kako je prvih 6 mjeseci bila isključivo na cici, mislila sam da joj to što pocica prije spavanja možda nije dovoljno pa sam joj dala da cica i tokom noći. Onda sam se ponadala da će se sa navršenih 6 mjeseci, kada počne jesti i kašice situacija promijeniti, no nije.
Pojede prije spavanja, pocica i ništa... I dalje se budi svako malo.
Onda mi je Ana savjetovala da je pustim da plače i da joj se uopće ne javljam (jedino da je pomazim po ruci, a to sam napravila samo prvu noć jer sam vidjela da nakon toga pruža ruke prema meni pa sam to smatrala kontraproduktivnim).
A greška koju smo mi radili dok smo je u nekoliko navrata puštali da plače, je upravo ta što smo joj se javljali, pokušavajući je riječima umiriti. I tako prije 6 dana pustim ja nju da plače. Otplakala je pola sata i zaspala. Poslije se još budila 3 puta, no opet je zaspala.
Drugu noć je plakala 10 minuta, a nakon toga je počela spavati bez buđenja (12 sati u komadu) Od tada su nam jutra smirenija. Ona se budi vesela, ne traži cicu svako malo, ostavim li je u kinderbetu da obavim jutarnju higijenu, ne plače (prije je stalno plakala).
Znam da će vam biti jako teško slušati vašeg anđela kako grca u suzama, no budite ustrajni!
Pozdravlja vas naspavana mama smile emoticon

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Svjetski dan smijeha / World Laughter Day

Hello gorgeous,
Today is World Laughter Day! smile emoticon
Laughter cost us nothing, but can do so much for us.
It has been proven that laughter has a positive effect on some aspects of the immune system, helps to burn calories, and laughs out loud for ten minutes can burn 10 to 40 calories, and people who smile often, live up to seven years longer.
Have a great rest of the day and we wish you a life full of laughter!

Yours An&Ma
Dobar dan ljepotice i ljepotani,
danas je SVJETSKI DAN SMIJEHA! smile emoticon
Smijeh nas ne košta ništa, a toliko može učiniti za nas.
Dokazano je da smijeh ima pozitivan učinak na neke aspekte imuniteta, pomaže u sagorijevanju kalorija,a glasan smijeh u trajanju od deset minuta može sagorijeti između 10 i 40 kalorija, a ljudi koji se često smiješe, žive i do sedam godina duže.
Želimo Vam ugodan ostatak dana i život pun smijeha!
Vaše An&Ma

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Čarobni napitak / Magic potion

Hello gorgeous, are you ready for one more fantastic post? smile emoticon
Today I will share with you my morning ritual. Each day I'm starting with my "magic" potion.
I mix hot water, honey, apple vinegar and ginger (honey-received as a gift, apple vinegar-purchased in Dm at a price of 16kn (2 eur), ginger-purchased in Dm for a 18kn (2 eur).
Except it perfectly kills the appetite (if you want to lose weight I recommend this drink from the bottom of my heart), it also prevents aging, cleans the body, lowers cholesterol, helps with exhaustion and with brittle nails and skin problems. After a magic potion, it is time for breakfast, and my next ritual- which is - effervescent vitamin C (purchased in Dm at a cost of 9kn/1 eur, and to me it's the best effervescent vitamin C) .I just can't start my day without it, because as soon as you drink it, I feel a rush of energy, and in addition it strengthens the immune system, it keeps the heart and blood vessels, it is a strong antioxidant, helps in bone health, keep your eyes and eyesight, relieves stress and regulates the production of hormones. Certainly today try these rituals, because the results will astound you and we expect that you will share with us your experiences and impressions.
Yours An&Ma
Dobra večer ljepotice i ljepotani, jeste spremni za još jedan fantastičan članak? smile emoticon
Danas ću podijeliti s Vama svoj jutarnji ritual. Svaki dan započnem sa svojim "čarobnim" napitkom. Pomiješam toplu vodu, med, jabučni ocat i đumbir (Med-dobiven na poklon, jabučni ocat-kupljen u Dm-u po cijeni od 16kn, đumbir-kupljen u Dm-u po cijeni od 18kn). 
Osim što savršeno ubija apetit (ako želite smršavite preporučam Vam ovaj napitak od srca), također sprečava starenje, čisti organizam, snižava kolesterol, pomaže kod iscrpljenosti te kod lomljivih noktiju i problema sa kožom. Nakon čarobnog napitka slijedi doručak a zatim moj idući ritual, a to je -šumeći vitamin C (kupljen u Dm-u po cijeni od 9kn i po meni je to najbolji šumeći vitamin C).Bez njega jednostavno ne mogu započeti dan jer čim ga popijem osjetim navalu energije, a osim toga on jača imunološki sustav, čuva srce i krvne žile, izuzetno je jak antioksidans, pomaže u zdravlju kostiju, čuva oči i vid, ublažava stres i regulira rad hormona. Svakako već danas isprobajte ove rituale jer će Vas rezultati zapanjiti i očekujemo da čete podijeliti s nama Vaša iskustva i dojmove.
Vaše An&Ma

Friday, 8 January 2016

Nivea balzam poslije brijanja kao podloga za šminku? / Nivea post shave balm as a primer?

Hello gorgeous,
Guys, have you noticed that you are rapidly decreasing amount of after shaving balm?
Girls, have you tried to use this product before applying foundation on? What are your experiences?
What is it about?
After the blogger NikkieTutorials just announced that she is using after shaving balm as a primer before applying foundation, and that her face was perfectly all day, many women peered into cabinets of their men.
P.S. Except as a primer, it will serve great after waxing, to prevent ingrown hairs and irritations.
Yours An&Ma
Dobra večer ljepotice i ljepotani!

Dečki, jeste li možda primjetili da vam se rapidno smanjuje količina balzama poslije brijanja?
Cure, jeste li ga probale koristiti prije nanošenja pudera? Kakva su vam iskustva?

O čemu je riječ?
Nakon što je blogerica NikkieTutorials objavila kako upravo njega koristi kao primer prije nanošenja pudera, te da joj je lice besprijekorno cijeli dan, mnoge su žene zavirile u ormariće svojih muškaraca ne bi li se i same uvjerile u navedeno.

P.s. Osim kao primer, odlično će poslužiti i nakon depilacije kako bi spriječile urastanje dlačica i točkice, tj. iritacije.

Vaše An&Ma

S Fresh Pure&Cool dezodorans

Hello gorgeous,
as you can tell by the post below, totally we were delighted S.FRESH Cosmétique Naturelle product line.
If you are looking for a reliable product that will prevent excessive sweating and unpleasant odors, Pure & Cool Deodorant Cream is an ideal choice.
You can use it in the armpit and /or feet.
When applying you will feel a smell of lemon and mint, but the smell evaporates quickly, which is good if you don't like strong scents.
The only minus is that you have to apply it with your fingers.
You can buy it in Dm, or in pharmacies Farmacia, and the price is 5 eur.
Yours An&Ma
Hej ljepotice i ljepotani naši,
kao što možete zaključiti po postu ispod, potpuno nas je oduševilaS.FRESH Cosmétique Naturelle linija proizvoda.
Ukoliko tražite pouzdani proizvod koji će spriječiti prekomjerno znojenje i neugodne mirise, Pure&Cool dezodorans u kremi je idealan izbor.
Možete ga koristiti na području pazuha i/ili stopala.
Pri nanošenju se osjeti miris limuna i mente, no miris brzo ishlapi, što je dobro ukoliko ne volite jake mirise.
Jedina mana je što se nanosi prstima.

Vaše An&Ma

S Fresh Espresso peeling

Hello gorgeous,
Today we are writing about S.FRESH Cosmétique Naturelle cosmetics, i.e Espresso peeling who has thrilled us (bought in Dm at a price of 6 eur) .I use the peeling for all; face, body, cellulite .. but I must admit that I am most impressed in the area of cellulite because i really have him enough. It stimulates circulation, smoothes and firms the skin and you will see results immediately. Except he gives the famous results, it also smells fantastic; a mixture of coffee and orange -awesome smell to start the day wink emoticon
As you can see, I didn't like the package, because I don't like "baggy" packaging, so I threw it in a jar (Picture No. 2). I recommend this product from the bottom of my heart.
Please, tell us your impressions or write in the comments below. We look forward to hang out with all of you, and wish you a pleasant rest of the evening.
Yours An&Ma
Hej ljepotice i ljepotani naši, 
danas za vas pišemo o S.FRESH Cosmétique Naturelle kozmetici odnosno o Espresso peelingu koji nas je očarao.Osobno taj peeling koristim za sve ; lice, tijelo, celulit.. no moram priznati da me najviše zadivio na području celulita pošto ga stvarno dosta imam. Potiče cirkulaciju, zaglađuje i učvršćuje kožu a rezultate ćete vidjeti več pri prvom korištenju.Osim što daje famozne rezultate , fantastično miriše ; mješavina kave i naranđe -predivan miris za početak dana. ;)
Kao što vidite jedino što meni nije odgovaralo je pakiranje , jer ne volim "vrečasta" pakiranja, pa sam ga prebacila u teglicu (slika br.2) no s obzirom koliko je famozan ta mana je zaista zanemariva. Od srca Vam svima preporučam i javljajte nam se s Vašim dojmovima , možete nam pisati u komentarima ispod slike. Veselimo se druženju sa svima Vama i želimo Vam ugodan ostatak večeri.

Vaše An&Ma