Friday, 19 February 2016

Rješenje za podočnjake / Solution for dark circles

Drage naše ljepotice i ljepotani,
Već znate da muku mučim sa podočnjacima, otkrila sam Vam čime ih prekrivam, a danas ću Vam otkriti i čime ih uspješno uklanjam.
Kao što vidite radi se o Garnier Roll-onu za podočnjake. Do sad mi je to jedini preparat koji je pokazao djelotvornost na tom području. Kad ga stavite odmah će Vam zagladiti područje oko očiju i izbijeliti tamne kolute ispod očiju, no nakon par sati će Vam se vratiti. Da bi dugoročno izbijelio podočnjake trebate ga koristiti bar 3 tjedna (ujutro i navečer). Obožavam ovaj proizvod!
Traje jako dugo (imam ga preko mjesec dana i još ni do pola nisam došla), a cijena mu je oko 85 kn. Možete ga kupiti u svakoj drogeriji.
Uživajte u danu,
Vaše An&Ma
Dear gorgeous,
You already know that I bother with bags under the eyes, I discovered you with which product I covers them, and today I will reveal you how I removing them.
As you can see this is a Garnier Roll-on for dark circles. So far, it is the only product that has shown efficacy. When you put it, it will immediately smooth the eye area and whiten dark circles, but after a few hours they will be back. To make a long term bleached of dark circles, you need to use it at least three weeks (in the morning and evening). I love this product!
It lasts for a long time (I got it for over a month, and I'm still not halfway), and the price is about 11 eur. You can buy it in any drugstore.
Enjoy the day,
Yours An&Ma

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