Rad na sebi je dug proces, jer što smo stariji to više naučenih obrazaca moramo iskorijeniti, zato mnogi odustaju jer rezultati zaista ne dolaze "preko noći". Prvo što bi svima savjetovala je da se oboružaju strpljenjem. Sad ću Vam opisati kako izgleda moj dan i moj rad na sebi .
Svako jutro započinjem zahvalnošću , zahvaljujem na daru života, na novom danu, na svim darovima koje sam već dobila itd...Nakon toga slijedi jutarnja meditacija. Kroz dan se trudim promatrati sebe, svoje postupke, reakcije na pojedine situacije te ih korigirati i primjenjivati svoje novo znanje. Ponekad mi ide teže, posebno kad sam u PMS-u , no tad dopustim lošim emocijama da dođu i prođu te se pokušavam ne vezati za njih nego ih samo otpustiti.Također kroz dan slušam i gledam You tube filmiće uspješnih ljudi i motivacijskih govornika, a isto tako obožavam čitati i njihove knjige. Navečer muž i ja pišemo sve na čemu smo zahvalni u proteklom danu te to spremamo u našu kutiju zahvalnosti (možete ju vidjeti i na slici, ova velika kutija crvene boje). Učitelji čije knjige, You tube filmiće i seminare bi Vam preporučila su - Anita Moorjani (meni osobno je ona br.1 i u 3.mj dolazi u Zagreb), Ester Hicks, Dr.Joseph Murphy, Wayne Dyer, Ana i Nada Bučević te Norman Vicent Peale. Naravno da ih ima još odličnih, ali ovi su mi THE BEST. Moj savjet Vam je i to da nijednog učitelja ne slušate kao sebe samoga jer svatko od nas je sebi najbolji učitelj i odgovore koje tražite možete naći jedino u sebi, a to postižete meditacijom. Osobno obožavam meditacije i meditiranje i veeeliki sam fan toga te ih redovito prakticiram, a priložiti ću Vam neke od svojih najboljih meditacija. Eto toliko od mene, uživajte u životu, uživajte u radu na sebi i ono što je najvažnije svaki, al' svaki dan si recite koliko se volite upravo ovakve kakvi ste sada, koliko ste ponosni na sebe, uživajte u ljubavi i druženju sa samim sobom.
Meditacije :https://www.youtube.com/
Od srca Vam preporučam i da pogledate ovo predavanje;
pusa , Vaše An&Ma
Dear gorgeous, so far I have written about the preparations that take care of the outside, and today I will write about "preparations" with which I nurture my inner self-the soul.
Work on it is a long process, because as we get older the more learned forms we have to destroy, so many give up because the results really do not come "overnight". The first thing I would advised to everyone is patience. Now I will describe what my day looks like and work on myself.
Every morning I start with gratitude, gratitude for the gift of life, for a new day, for all the gifts that I have already received, etc ... This is followed by a morning meditation. Throughout the day I try to observe myself, my actions, reactions to certain situations and correct them and apply my new knowledge. Sometimes it goes harder, especially during PMS, but then I let the bad emotions to come and go, and try not attach on them but just release them.During the day I listen and watch You tube movies of successful people and motivational speaker, and also love to read their books. In the evening, my husband and I write everything on which we are grateful to the previous day, and put it in our thanksgiving box (you can see it in the picture, this big box of red color). Teachers whose books, You tube movies and seminars I would recommend are - Anita Moorjani (to me she is is No.1), Esther Hicks, Dr.Joseph Murphy, Wayne Dyer, Ana and Nada Bučević and Norman Vicent Peale. Of course there are more great teachers, but these are my BEST. The answers you need can be found only in yourself but to achieve this, you need to meditate. I personally love meditation and I'm a big fan of it, and I regularly meditate. So much from me, enjoy your life, enjoy working on yourself and most importantly each, but every day you tell yourself how you love yourself just the way you are, how proud you are of yourself, enjoy the love and companionship with yourself.
Meditations: https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = _wn7R_EajaA
From the heart we recommend that you look at this video;
Kisses, yours An&Ma
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