Dobro jutro drage naše ljepotice i ljepotani,
nema boljeg početka dana od hranjivog doručka koji će Vam dati energije za jutro pred vama.
Već više od 10 godina moj doručak je isti. Viola musli sa komadićima čokolade (imate ih u svim trgovinama, a cijena im je cca 28 kn za pakiranje od 1 kg).
Pakiranje mi traje dosta dugo jer nisu poput ostalih musli na tržištu (koje će vas samo natjerati da ih jedete još i još....i tako sve dok u jednom danu ne shvatite da ste pojeli cijelo pakiranje), a pola zdjelice mi da toliko energije da nekad i 8 sati ne osjetim glad. U njih ubacim i pola velike žlice chia sjemenki i sve ostavim 10 min da se otopi u mlijeku. Nakon 10-ak minuta, chia se pretvori u želiranu smjesu i nabubri, te sam primjetila da sada jedva pojedem cijeli doručak jer se brže zasitim (odlično ako planirate smršaviti).
Chia nema nikakav okus pa je možete stavljati u sve (salate, jogurt, shake, juhe,...).
Svakako Vam preporučam da je uvrstite u svoju prehranu jer će vam organizam biti zahvalan.
Nekoliko činjenica o chia sjemenkama:
* Pokazalo se da djeluje preventivno protiv malignih oboljenja
* Smanjuje razinu lošeg kolesterola u krvi, sprečava visoki krvni tlak, te olakšava menstrualne probleme i tegobe u menopauzi.
* Jedna chia sjemenka sadrži sve esencijalne aminokiseline:
osam puta više omege-3 od lososa,
šest puta više kalcija od mlijeka,
tri puta više željeza od špinata,
petnaest puta više magnezija od brokule,
šest puta više bjelančevina od graha,
četiri puta više fosfora od neobranog mlijeka i
dvaput više kalija od banane!
Nadam se da su ovo dovoljno dobri razlozi da je probate.
smile emoticon
Vaše An&Ma
Good morning gorgeous,

There is no better place to start the day than with nutritious breakfast that will give you energy for the morning ahead.
For more than 10 years my breakfast is the same. Viola muesli with chocolate (you have them in all stores, and priced at cca 4 eur for a pack of 1 kg).
Packing lasts me a long time because they are not like other muesli on the market (that will only make you eat more and more .... and so on until you realize that you ate the whole package), and half of the bowl gives me so much energy that sometimes I don't feel hunger for 8 hours. I throw in them a half tablespoon of chia seeds and leave it all for 10 minutes to melt in milk. After 10 minutes, chia turn into jelly mixture and swell, and I noticed that now I can barely eat all the breakfast, because I feal full much faster (perfect if you plan to lose weight).
Chia has no taste so you can put it in all (salads, yogurt, shakes, soups, ...).
I recommend that you include it in your diet because your body will be grateful.
A few facts about chia seeds:
* It has been shown to act preventively against malignancies
* Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, preventing high blood pressure and eases menstrual problems and symptoms of menopause.
* One chia seed contains all the essential amino acids:
eight times more omega-3 than salmon,
six times more calcium than milk,
three times more iron than spinach,
fifteen times more magnesium than broccoli,
six times more protein than beans,
four times more phosphorus than whole milk and
twice more potassium than bananas!
I hope these are enough good reasons to try it. smile emoticon
Yours An&Ma